By Jet Tracy

I am an inspirational writer and animal activist. I believe in the power of Joy and Celebration to transform our health, our lives, and our world!
Come see my magazine/blog


“Now has nothing to do with time. Now is another name for Awareness, another name for yourself.” – Rupert Spira Welcome! It is the beginning of a New Year, a time of fresh starts, grand resolutions, and greater promise. Though this can be an optimistic time, we often end up disappointed and many of us…

The Pandemics Most Valuable Lesson

After over a year of living in a world inundated with messages of fear, in a city of constant on again/off again lockdowns, and now the Covid variants spreading everywhere, the dominant and most valuable lesson that I’ve gleaned from this whole situation is that of my need to take full ownership of and responsibility…

Multidimensional You

You carry within you light and power! But most of us don’t even come close to discovering this reality, instead we awkwardly feel our way along what oft seems a tenebrous path. As we move through life, the “right” decisions don’t always leap out and make themselves known, and whether we are even on the…

Let Go

Life is an act of perpetually letting go. My experience is that the better I get at letting go, the fresher my life feels and the more empowered I become. If we can all stretch so far as to be able to release even the prior moment, we open to Life’s flow and its current…

Intermission: Take A Time Out

“All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” It was more than two decades ago that I came across this quote by French philosopher, Blaise Pascal, and I instinctively knew that what he was saying was true. Even back then I was very attracted to the idea of…


Energy is neither created nor destroyed. This idea was really brought to life for me recently; a more visceral understanding of it came through the passing of beloved dog friend, Lilly. She had twenty action packed and well lived years here, I knew her for eighteen of those years and she had become family to…

How To Friend Your Body To Optimal Health

I have shifted into a whole new world of health and possibility, a world that is eager for all of us to enter. It happened a while back, I was feeling so good about the densely nutritious green smoothies I’d recently added to my diet that I found myself doing these momentary exercises of joyful…

Light In The Pandemic

This is our watershed moment, an opportunity to step forward into an evolution that has long been calling our hearts, gently urging us in the direction of our joyous expansion. The time is now and the pandemic that we find ourselves in the midst of is the opportunity. As it burns its way through any…

Thriving Amidst A Pandemic

Whilst the world is in the throes of this pandemic, I am out daily with the dog in the near secluded streets of the big city. It feels different out here now – peaceful, calm, and yet, somehow electric. Without all the noise and hectic pace of our busy human lifestyles, there is actually space…